Top Cut Episode 7

(feat. J. Zee Kay)

Can YOU make it?

Check out yesterday's awesome top cut episode, featuring none other than the glorious leader of the nation, JK himself! Watch it here:

While I whole-heartedly encourage you to watch the episode in full, in case you're not interested or don't have the time, then here's a brief summary of the topics touched upon:

*TheTopCut staff and Kettler talk about the LCQ, what should be big, and what "the play" is. Most of the predictions center around Yanmega/Magnezone, Donphan, and Typhlosion, and the five panel members diverge on what they would go with. Furthermore, Kettler offers some sage advice on grinder preparation, including:

1) Suggestions on how to build endurance for the event;

2) A recommendation to test using ONLY match play; and

3) To not use Lostgar (  even though Lostgar is my baby 🙁  )

*They then discuss ELO, endemic dropping to preserve rating points, and possible alternatives. Everyone unanimously agrees that some sort of Pro Point ("Play! Point" per Kettler) -focused system is the way to go.  Also included are several ways to keep ELO in-tact, such as not rotating the system every year, as well as skill-based modifiers.

*Finally, the conclude with several user questions. Fun times!


So that's that. Not sure what's on tab for next week, but we're going to have some really exciting stuff in store for you all, so be prepared for some great pieces.



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